There are seventeen students of Unikama leave for UUM Malaysia tomorrow Oct. 6 to join an International Excursion Program. Unikama sends their students as the follow up of the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Unikama and UUM signed in Malang months ago. At the same time Unikama also signed MoU with Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

Four out of seventeen students are the students of English Literature Department. Those four students are Cholifa, Vivi Novandasari, Susiati, dan Lila Setyowati. There are various reasons why they interested to join this program. Cholifa, for instance, she wants to experience overseas teaching and learning atmosphere. She wants to have an international network too. This reasons were agreed by her fellow members of excursion program; Vivi, Susi, dan Lila.
The ceremony to support those all seventeen students before leaving for Malaysia was held in Abdul Radjab meeting room on Wed, 5/10. On the ceremony, Umiati Jawas, Ph.D, the Head of Unikama’s International Relationship Officer (IRO), said that in this modern era all students should think “out of the box”, modern students should have an international insight and not only live in their comfort zone. While Unikama’s rector, Dr. Pieter Sahertian, M.Si instructed the members of International Excursion to have international interactions without leaving their Indonesian values, at the same time should also adapt with abroad values and norms.
Unikama is now eager to build international relationship to widen the students and all academicians of Unikama insight to face globalization era.